Kindly Sponsored by Leslie Howarth
Chlouts Alley
of Velikaya at Shaytaan
D.O.B. May 21st 2007
Breeder Bob Clupach and Richard Outwin, Alaska
D.O.B. May 21st 2007
Breeder Bob Clupach and Richard Outwin, Alaska
We lost Jim very suddenly earlier this year. One day he seemed to be fine, his normal, loud, hard driving self, the next he had gone off his food (very unusual for Jim, and by the end of the week the vet's were saying he had acute kidney failure and there was nothing they could do for him. At the time when people saw how upset I was they always asked if Jim was a main leader as if losing a leader would heighten the pain. I wish we could say that Jim was an amazing leader, a dog that saved the team on many occasions, that led us all across the finish line, my best friend who was always at my side. The truth though is that I think Jim only ran in lead twice - the first time to confirm my suspicions that he wasn't a leader and the second time to confirm the confirmation that he wasn't a leader. He also wasn't a people person and was certainly never openly affectionate - unless we were at a race or in an unusual location at which time Jim would lock himself to my side. What Jim was however was an amazing and highly driven sled dog. As Louise said below, he always, always wanted to run and was so powerful. He also had a fantastic personality; not a single aggressive bone in his body. The picture below shows innocence in his eyes and that innocence was always there when he looked at you. It has been a massive blow to us to lose him so quickly and at such a young age when he was still in his prime. He'll run the Quest and Iditarod trails in our hearts this winter.
Moxie's Weasel of Velikaya
Sandy of Velikaya
Mitzie of Velikaya
Smokey II of Velikaya
Moxie's Weasel of Velikaya
Salt of Velikaya
Mitzie of Velikaya
Casper of Velikaya
Katuk of Velikaya
Shiner of Velikaya
Mitzie of Velikaya
Raven of Velikaya
Foxfyre's Ricky of Velikaya
Sadie of Velikaya
Charcoal of Velikaya
Northomes Snowmist Ottis, SDX
Northstar's Snowmist Birch
Alaskan's Gray Mouse of Anadyr
Snowmist's Vice
Snowmist's Garfield
Snowmist's Donna
Princess Pine's Pirate
Timber Pak's Tacoma
Lokiboden's Tango
Lokiboden's Mr Snuffleupagus
Igloo Pak's Sitka
Lokiboden's Diamond
Igloo Pak's Snow Bandit
Princess Pine's Pirate
Thunder Hill's Amagirl
Race History
Year Race Venue Distance
2009 L'Odyssée Appalachienne Saint-Pamphille, Quebec 30
2010 Eagle Lake Eagle Lake, Maine 30
Brownville to Ki and Beyond Brownville, Maine 30
Wilderness 30 Greenville, Maine 30
Can Am Fort Kent, Maine 30
2011 Brownville to Ki and Beyond Brownville, Maine 30
Wilderness 30 Greenville, Maine 30
L'Odyssée Appalachienne Saint-Pamphille, Quebec 45
Can Am Fort Kent, Maine 60
2012 Sheep Mountain Sheep Mountain, AK 150
Gin Gin Paxson, AK 200
Copper Basin Glenallen, AK 300
Yukon Quest 300 Fairbanks, AK 300
Can AM Crown Fort Kent, ME 250
2013 Copper Basin Glenallen, AK 300
Yukon Quest Whitehorse to Fairbanks 1000
Sandy of Velikaya
Mitzie of Velikaya
Smokey II of Velikaya
Moxie's Weasel of Velikaya
Salt of Velikaya
Mitzie of Velikaya
Casper of Velikaya
Katuk of Velikaya
Shiner of Velikaya
Mitzie of Velikaya
Raven of Velikaya
Foxfyre's Ricky of Velikaya
Sadie of Velikaya
Charcoal of Velikaya
Northomes Snowmist Ottis, SDX
Northstar's Snowmist Birch
Alaskan's Gray Mouse of Anadyr
Snowmist's Vice
Snowmist's Garfield
Snowmist's Donna
Princess Pine's Pirate
Timber Pak's Tacoma
Lokiboden's Tango
Lokiboden's Mr Snuffleupagus
Igloo Pak's Sitka
Lokiboden's Diamond
Igloo Pak's Snow Bandit
Princess Pine's Pirate
Thunder Hill's Amagirl
Race History
Year Race Venue Distance
2009 L'Odyssée Appalachienne Saint-Pamphille, Quebec 30
2010 Eagle Lake Eagle Lake, Maine 30
Brownville to Ki and Beyond Brownville, Maine 30
Wilderness 30 Greenville, Maine 30
Can Am Fort Kent, Maine 30
2011 Brownville to Ki and Beyond Brownville, Maine 30
Wilderness 30 Greenville, Maine 30
L'Odyssée Appalachienne Saint-Pamphille, Quebec 45
Can Am Fort Kent, Maine 60
2012 Sheep Mountain Sheep Mountain, AK 150
Gin Gin Paxson, AK 200
Copper Basin Glenallen, AK 300
Yukon Quest 300 Fairbanks, AK 300
Can AM Crown Fort Kent, ME 250
2013 Copper Basin Glenallen, AK 300
Yukon Quest Whitehorse to Fairbanks 1000